Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trapped in Dubai debt web

Workers from India are among the first casualties of Dubai's crumbling economy. The debt they owe makes it difficult for them to leave and recession makes it tougher to stay on.

Monday, November 23, 2009

26/11: PM says Pakistan hasn’t helped enough

Manmohan Singh has said India does not know whom to deal with in Islamabad as the Army is the most powerful force there.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

MJ glove sells for $350,000

It's something that any Michael Jackson fan would love to possess. The shimmering, white glove, which he wore for the first time during his famous 'moonwalk', has been sold at an auction in New York.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Air hostess was not molested in mid-air scuffle:

Air India air hostess Komal Singh could be in more trouble as the National Commission for Women has said that she was not molested. The NCW report also absolves the pilots of the sexual assault charges. The NCW said, "It is just a misbehaviour from both sides."

Monday, November 16, 2009

All systems are go for the launch of US space shuttle Atlantis, for a construction and delivery mission to the International Space Station. The blast off is scheduled for 1 am (IST) on Tuesday; NASA's countdown is going smoothly and even the weather is looking exceptionally good for the launch. Forecasters put the odds of acceptable weather at 90 percent.NASA test director Steve Payne said Sunday morning that even though everything seems to be lining up perfectly, he and his team are "always waiting for the shoe to drop" and always vigilant.Atlantis will carry tons of spare parts for the International Space Station. The crew of six will return to Earth with a seventh astronaut, Nicole Stott, who's been living at the space station for nearly three months.The launch will also see Kennedy Space Center's first 'tweetup' - about 100 space fans who have gathered to report the event on Twitter.

Tracking Headley: Now, India's nuclear centres on alert

India's nuclear centres are now on alert, according to intelligence sources. The government is worried that nuclear plants may be attacked by terrorists.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

India: atomic plants with US cooperation to come up in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi: Two atomic plants will be set up in collaboration with the US in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh as part of civilian nuclear cooperation between the two countries.

Three other nuclear reactors -- two in collaboration with Russia and one with France -- would also be set up in the country, government said here Friday night.

The Government of India has designated Chhayamithi Virdi (Gujarat) and Kovvada (Andhra Pradesh) for setting up Light Water Reactor (LWR) based nuclear power plants in collaboration with the US, the External Affairs Ministry said.

A site has been allocated in Jaitapur (Maharashtra) for setting up of such a reactor in collaboration with France, it said.

For the reactors to be set up in collaboration with Russia, one site each has been earmarked in Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) and Haripur (West Bengal), it said.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Noida Metro opens to passengers today

The Delhi Metro has finally crossed the border to the first suburb Noida. The Delhi-Noida link was inaugurated on Thursday. It has been thrown open to the public on Friday.There were two chief ministers on hand to launch it. Delhi's Sheila Dikshit and UP's Mayawati did the honours, flagging off the much-waited Metro line between Delhi and the satellite town of Noida.Mayawati and the media were among the first to ride the 13-kilometre stretch built over a period of three years for 800 crores. Between 6 am and 11 pm, close to 40 trains will operate on the line for an estimated 53000 passengers everyday.It hasn't been an entirely smooth ride. First, a crack was discovered in a crucial pillar. Then, after trial runs began, it was discovered that only 3 of the ten stations are ready with parking facilities. Feeder buses haven't been launched.And then there have been repeated murmurs that security checks and trial runs were cut short so that the launch could coincide with a huge trade fair, ensuring trains are packed in their first few days of authorities wanted to start operations... during the busy trade fair... that would ensure more footfalls.But Noida's high crime rate is also a matter of concern for both passengers and the police. "There will be CISF people who will provide security here," says E Sreedharan, Chairman of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.We spot excited children on the tracks on Thursday. Training clearly still required for officials on how to cover all aspects of security.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

IIM graduates back in demand....

In a sure sign of waning recession, while it took five days to place 270 IIM-B students last year, all 348 students were placed in the same period this year. In addition to this, 30 more firms flocked to the campus this year with offers on the first two days itself – the highest across all IIMs.


Ankit went to Delhi Public School, R K Puram for school.[3] He started a website called "HackingTruths", which he claims was judged as the "second best hacking site in the world by the FBI".[3] He claims that when he was 14, he trashed the front page of an Indian magazine's website. He then sent an e-mail to the editor confessing to the hack, suggesting counter measures.[4] At 15, his book on Ethical Hacking made him the youngest author to be published by Macmillan India.[4] Many publications wrongly reported that Fadia is associated with FBI or CIA,[5][6] however, he himself denied this.

Fadia has also sponsored Singapore Management University's "Ankit Fadia Information Security Award", which is given annually to "an outstanding student" in the Information Security and Trust Course under the Bachelor of Science (Information System Management) degree.[7]

Fadia studied at Stanford University before dropping out in his junior year of undergraduate study.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

renault-nissan finally sign ultra low cost deal with bajaj

according to agreement the design,engeenering,sourcing and manufacturing will be handel by bajaj auto while marketing and selling will be done by the renault-nassan.

Monday, November 9, 2009

delhi battling 4-fog or smog

This is what most Delhiites have been waking up to for the past couple of days - a thick layer of fog and dust hanging over the capital and its suburbs.

What hit Delhi on Saturday?

Top experts haven't been able to agree. The meteorological department indicates it's fog and blamed the unusually early occurrence, on a lack of wind and low temperatures.

Those who say it's fog, reason - the levels of dust and some other pollutants has almost doubled since 2001 even though CNG has reduced carbon monoxide.

But pollution watchers say it was smog and that the problem is more chronic.

"It is a combination of factors, the increase in the number of vehicles, combined with more congestion on the roads and construction is leading to more pollution," said Vivek Chattopadhyaya, Senior Researcher-pollution, CSE.

This group cites the increase in primarily because of other pollutants shooting up like sulphuric dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

More than a 1000 new vehicles are registered in the capital everyday but if that's not bad enough, experts say that it is the sharp increase in the number of private diesel cars over the past few years that is making matters worse.

Some experts say that the massive housing construction boom in Gurgaon and Delhi and as well as for the Commonwealth Games have also literally kicked up more dust which caused Saturday's haze.

But the CM is not convinced.

"This is not linked to Commonwealth, otherwise it would happen every year," said Shiela Dikshit, Chief Minister, Delhi.

But experts agree that dust and pollution is increasing and that it may mean more days like last Saturday.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jessica Lall's killer visits nightclub on parole

While Manu Sharma is out on parole to take care of his sick mother, reportedly on CM Sheila Dikshit's recommendation; the mother turned up at a press conference on Sunday.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

anti-naxal operation to be launch in state

As Maoists menace continued to be unabated, the government is all set to launch the much-awaited full-fledged anti-naxal operations at three different areas.


India warns pak of strong retaliation against teror attacks
Taking a tough stance, Home Minister P Chidambaram has warned Pakistan against meddling in India's affairs and said any more terror attack from that country will be retaliated "very strongly".