Saturday, November 14, 2009

India: atomic plants with US cooperation to come up in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi: Two atomic plants will be set up in collaboration with the US in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh as part of civilian nuclear cooperation between the two countries.

Three other nuclear reactors -- two in collaboration with Russia and one with France -- would also be set up in the country, government said here Friday night.

The Government of India has designated Chhayamithi Virdi (Gujarat) and Kovvada (Andhra Pradesh) for setting up Light Water Reactor (LWR) based nuclear power plants in collaboration with the US, the External Affairs Ministry said.

A site has been allocated in Jaitapur (Maharashtra) for setting up of such a reactor in collaboration with France, it said.

For the reactors to be set up in collaboration with Russia, one site each has been earmarked in Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) and Haripur (West Bengal), it said.

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