Friday, September 25, 2009

Chandrayaan found water on Moon’s surface

There were indications on September 22, 2009 that India’s maiden Moon mission Chandrayaan-1 found water on the lunar surface before the project was aborted. An announcement about a ‘‘major discovery’’ made by Chandrayaan-I is expected on September 24, and the buzz is that this could be about water on the Moon. If true, credit for this much-awaited discovery, however, could go to Nasa’s Moon Minerology Mapper (M3), one of the payloads on board Chandrayaan. The Rs 386-crore craft was launched on October 22 last year and terminated on August 30 following a communication failure. One of the mission’s main goals was to sniff for water. For now, neither Isro nor Nasa is speaking about the discovery. An announcement is expected at a media interaction scheduled for September 22 at the Nasa headquarters in Washington DC featuring well-known lunar scientist Carle Pieters from Brown University. She is the principal investigator for M3.



As a child, I had a box of crayons. One night, I was soon done with sketching my ‘drawing’, hardly realizing that the crooked lines and distorted circles, I called scenery.
And then, almost half awake and asleep, I overheard the crayon box. “I don’t like red”, said Orange. “Nor do I”, said Pink. “I sit at the top”, said Blue, “And I give color to the sun”, Yellow quipped. I couldn’t hear Green; I wondered what it’d say. Black said “Am the Universe” and everyone fought. Green spoke mildly, “I am the undemanding ground. Everyone starts from me and ends in me. I allow the burden and wordlessly absorb everything. I I am pristine, Oh I am Green”.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

facts of life

do u know

1. Rubberbands last longer when refrigerated.

2. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

3. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

4. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

5. The shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

6. There are more chickens than people in the world.

7. Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.

8. The longest one-syllable word in the English language is

"screeched." .

9. All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck

on 4:20.

10. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange,

silver or purple.

11. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters


12. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln

Memorial on the back of the bill.

13. Almonds are a member of the peach family.

14. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.

15. Maine is the only US state whose name is just one syllable.

16. There are only four words in the English language which end

in "dous" - tremendous, horrendous, stupendous and hazardous.

17. Los Angeles' full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la

Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula"

18. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

19. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

20. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

21. In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10

22. Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

23. The Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie were named after

Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "It's

A Wonderful Life."

24. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.

25. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

26. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

27. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

28. The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

29. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

30. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a

radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

31. Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.

32. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

33. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

34. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only

the left hand.

latest govt. job.(21st sept)

Recruitment of Scientist ‘E’ in ICMR Sept 09

Maharashtra Public Service Commission Advt. No. 110 Sept 09

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course - 23 Commencing from July 2010 by Indian Army

Recruitment in Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan Sept 09

Monday, September 14, 2009

this is a war:everything is matter who u r...reality

Bodies beheaded, blood profusely flowing, bloodstained bodies lying on the earth, fragments of the body parts scattered here and there and in such a pathetic condition that even their family members were incapable in figuring out which part is of their loved ones, the people who use to sleep on their mothers lap are now turned cold and sleeping under the earth ‘decomposed’, the people who once were full of life, dreamt of marrying their girlfriends who were full of enthusiasm, elated spirits, who had dreams in their eyes to do this and that are now not even endowed with life any more and this is merely because the invasion of Iraq have cut short their lives and have crashed everything of these American soldiers. Such a horrendous sight was witnessed everywhere in Iraq during the invasion.You must be thinking what am I writing about so let me tell you something, today I started reading a book which was presented to my dad by one of my American friend Rachel with whom I worked as an interpreter and assisted her in her research work last summers. This book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder” is by a famous writer and lawyer Vincent Bugliosi

who was also the author of New York Times best selling book ‘HELTER SKELTER’, which is the biggest selling true crime book in publishing history. This book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder” is a book that brings forth the selfish, callous and outrageous attitude of Bush who took the entire nation to war in Iraq under false pretences in my words I’ll say ‘Bush blatantly lied and poor soldiers died’ of no reasons oh!! Sorry there were 3 reasons George Bush, Dick Cheney(vice president) and Karl Rove(their friend) so please never ever be under any wrong impression that this Iraq invasion that started from 20th March, 2003 by Bush was for the sake of national security as he claimed that Saddam Hussain had WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and he was a big threat to America or something like Hussein and Iraq were behind 9/11 carnage, its all bullshit after reading this book I was nearly traumatized when read that 4000 American soldiers and over 100,000 Iraqi men, women and children lost their precious, irreplaceable lives and the most saddening thing is that the soldiers who fought and died in the war when they were alive they thought they were dying for their country but it wasn’t that, in fact the war was fought without any justifiable reason.

When I read that American soldiers who were fighting with brave hearts were dying brutally and their toll kept on mounting in the ocean of blood in Iraq and contrary to this what was happening was really sickening Mr. President ‘Bush’ with his ever joyful face was enjoying on big holidays, cycling, cracking jokes and was having ball out there in America in all he was doing gusto to the fullest and death of so many soldiers at war front didn’t affected him in a slightest way. This cold hearted man never felt pain or regret about any damn thing, he never felt the agony of the families who lost their loved ones at the front moreover he relished each and every moment of his presidential position.

A death of 4000 soldiers and 30,000 wounded one is one thing but the amount of money which was spent on this Iraq war was something to take note of. $1trillion was spent on it, which could have been used for fixing many ills of the country. A political columnist D. Kristof said that “if we take the total amount spent on the war, that sum could be used to finance health care for all uninsured Americans for perhaps 30 years…..” A noble prize winner novelist Joseph Stieglitz said “for a fraction of the cost of this war we cud have put social security on a sound footing for the next half century or more….”. The only person who couldn’t think like that was Bush, he could only think of his wicked motives, human slaughter and of unwise and non justifiable war. To me seemingly Bush appears a brainless person who cant figure out what is right and what is wrong, what should be worried about and what not, what to put into practice and what to be avoided. Huh!! What a human being……
………… if I have to comment my views then I would say if a nation has such a president then it doesn’t need any enemy from outside coz a person like Bush is more then enough to ruin a nation. I haven’t seen such a cockiest person in my life like him. People like Bush, Cheney and Rove are truly big human embarrassments. If we see the list of American presidents then Bush in it will be seen as a big black spot there because in between the names of Presidents like Kennedy, Bush sr., John McCain, John Kerry who were not just great presidents but beautiful human beings who never lived for themselves but for their country, who never thought of their lives and sacrificed everything for the sake of their citizen as they come first and then rest of the things.I’ve just completed half of the book but I couldn’t hold myself back from penning down my emotions into words, so I wrote what I felt after reading this portion of the book. Will try to continue with this after completing the rest of the book and will look forward to finish it as soon as possible…

RBI forecasts 6% rise in GDP

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the central bank of India, announced that it forecasts 6% growth in Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the present fiscal, despite the poor monsoon.
RBI declared in its annual report on Thursday that one needs to acknowledge the progress on effective variegation of Indian agriculture towards horticulture, livestock and fisheries and their growing share in total output of the agricultural sector. It also stated that cereals, pulses and oilseeds grown during kharif report for only 20% of total agriculture output.

Ravi yadav

Saturday, September 12, 2009

King Arthur - The Legend

Arthur was the first born son of King Uther Pendragon and heir to the throne. However these were very troubled times and Merlin, a wise magician, advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity.
As Merlin feared, when King Uther died there was great conflict over who should be the next king. Merlin used his magic to set a sword in a stone. Written on the sword, in letters of gold, were these words: "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the rightwise born king of all England." Of course all the contenders for the throne took their turn at trying to draw the sword, but none could succeed. Arthur, quite by chance, withdrew the sword for another to use in a tournament. Following this he became King.He gathered Knights around him and fought back against the Saxons who, since the Romans left Britain, were slowly but surely taking the country over. After many great battles and a huge victory at Mount Badon the Saxons' advance was halted.Arthur's base was at a place called Camelot. Here he built a strong castle. His knights met at a Round Table. They carried out acts of chivalry such as rescuing damsels in distress and fought against strange beasts. They also searched for a lost treasure, which they believed would cure all ills - this was the 'Quest for the Holy Grail'.
Under the guidance of Merlin, Arthur had obtained a magical sword from The Lady Of The Lake. This sword was called 'Excalibur" and with this weapon he vanquished many foes.Queen Guinevere, Arthur's beautiful wife brought romance to the story while his equally beautiful half sister Morgan le Fay added a dark side.Unfortunately, as peace settled over the country things turned sour within the court of Camelot and civil war broke out. In the final battle at Camlan both Arthur and Mordred, Arthur's traitorous nephew, were mortally wounded. Arthur was set upon a boat and floated down river to the isle of Avalon. Here his wounds were treated by three mysterious maidens. His body was never found and many say that he rests under a hill with all his knights - ready to ride forth and save the country again.

News of the Day

Washington, September 12 : A study on rats has led to the identification of the genetic region responsible for cardiovascular collapse during anaesthesia.
Researchers at The Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee say that even though scientists have known that people have different cardiovascular sensitivity to anaesthesia because of which some collapse even when low doses are administered, the mechanism responsible for this susceptibility is not clear.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Merchant of VenicePlay by Shakespeare
Introduction - The play and the image displayed in the picture
This section is dedicated to The Merchant of Venice, the play by William Shakespeare. The picture is 18th century and image displayed represents the essence of the play which, we hope, will bring to life a famous scene or character from the play. The information provided in this section of includes famous quotes / quotations from The Merchant of Venice, summary of the plot or story, facts about the play, a list of the cast and characters and access to the full text - script of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.
Summary of the plot or story
The character of Shylock has raised a debate over whether the play should be condemned as anti-Semitic, and this controversy has overshadowed many other aspects of the play.The plot involves a vengeful, greedy creditor, Shylock, a Jewish money-lender Shylock who seeks a literal pound of flesh from his Christian opposite, the generous, faithful Antonio. Shakespeare's version of the chest-choosing device revolves around the play's Christian heroine, Portia, who steers her lover Bassanio toward the correct humble casket and then successfully defends his bosom friend Antonio from Shylock's horrid legal suit. Shylock, is a Jew whose beloved daughter is lost to him when she elopes with a man who belongs to a virulently anti-Semitic society. When grief, anger and vengeance overcome common sense he ends up literally forced to his knees to renounce his faith and his fortune.
Information provided about the Merchant of Venice play
William Shakespeare never published any of his plays and therefore none of the original manuscripts have survived. Eighteen unauthorised versions of his plays were, however, published during his lifetime in quarto editions by unscrupulous publishers (there were no copyright laws protecting Shakespeare and his works during the Elizabethan era). A collection of his works did not appear until 1623 (a full seven years after Shakespeare's death on April 23, 1616) when two of his fellow actors, John Hemminges and Henry Condell, posthumously recorded his work and published 36 of William’s plays in the First Folio. Some dates are therefore approximate other dates are substantiated by historical events, records of performances and the dates plays appeared in print.
Date first performed
It is believed that The Merchant of Venice was first performed between 1596 and 1597. In the Elizabethan era there was a huge demand for new entertainment and The Merchant of Venice would have been produced immediately following the completion of the play.
Date was first printed
It is believed that The Merchant of Venice was first printed in 1600. As William Shakespeare clearly did not want his work published details of the play would have therefore been noted, and often pirated without his consent, following a performance.
Famous Quotes / Quotations
The quotes from The Merchant of Venice are amongst Shakespeare's most famous including 'All that glisters is not gold' and 'Mislike me not for my complexion'. Details of these famous quotes follow, complete with information regarding the Act and the Scene, allowing a quick reference to the section of the play that these quotations can be found in. Please click here for the full text of the script of the play.
"Superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer."
"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."
"Mislike me not for my complexion, the shadow’d livery of the burnish’d sun."
"All that glisters is not gold."

latest govt. jobs vacancy

  1. the latest government jobs

Vacancy for Jr. Worker in Ceramic Trade at BHEL Sept 09
Vacancy in Ch. Brahm PRakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan
Fresh recruitment for Scientist 'B' in A premier Government of India Science and Technology Organisation Sept 09
Latest Naukri for various posts at NAFCO Sept 09
Engagement of Superannuated Non Executive Employees in BEL, Bangalore Cx Sept 09
Sarkari Naukri for Data Entry Operator at UGC Sept 09
Current Naukri for various posts at Institute of Company Secretaries of India Sept 09
Naukri for various posts at ILBS Sept 09
Fressh vacancy for various posts at HAL Sept 09
Sarkari Naukri for various posts at IPCCL Sept 09
Faculty Vacancy in NIJDT, Sept 09
New Naukri for Khallasi ( Shore ) at Visakhapatnam Port Trust Sept 09
Jobs for various posts at Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Chandigarh Sept 09
Sarkari Recruitment for various posts at CCA Jharkhand Sept 09
Current recruitment for various posts at National Payments Corporation of India Sept 09

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Document Management Software

June 22nd, 2009

An electronic document management system (DMS) is a software system used to store and manage electronic documents and images of paper documents. With document management software applications such as Globodox and Sohodox, organizations can create a single centralized repository of all their electronic and paper documents. They can then provide their staff with controlled access to this repository.

Advanced document management systems such as Globodox also provide features such as check-in/checkout, version control and audit trail. Integrated Workflow which allows routing documents (based on preset rules) is also an important document management feature.

Though the goal of a “paperless office” might be difficult to achieve, document management software systems definitely allow an organization to quickly move to a “less paper” system.

Business Management Consulting Firm in India

September 2nd, 2009

In my quest for business strategy consulting firms in India, I came across Avalon Consulting whcih I found to be very responsive and professional.

More about them here : Avalon Consulting , setup in 1989, is an international management consulting firm that advises clients across the world on corporate strategy, business transformation and innovation. It is part of the 1000-people Avalon Group which straddles the entire knowledge value chain. Apart from Avalon Consulting, the Group has two other entities – Avalon Global Research, a global market research firm geared to do very quick, high-level (one day) product, sector or country studies as well as full-fledged research exercises; and Ugam Solutions, a leading provider of Marketing Analytics for global MR firms, management consultants and corporates.

I encourage my readers to post more about Consulting firms they have tried. Also, post your experiences.