Monday, September 14, 2009

………… if I have to comment my views then I would say if a nation has such a president then it doesn’t need any enemy from outside coz a person like Bush is more then enough to ruin a nation. I haven’t seen such a cockiest person in my life like him. People like Bush, Cheney and Rove are truly big human embarrassments. If we see the list of American presidents then Bush in it will be seen as a big black spot there because in between the names of Presidents like Kennedy, Bush sr., John McCain, John Kerry who were not just great presidents but beautiful human beings who never lived for themselves but for their country, who never thought of their lives and sacrificed everything for the sake of their citizen as they come first and then rest of the things.I’ve just completed half of the book but I couldn’t hold myself back from penning down my emotions into words, so I wrote what I felt after reading this portion of the book. Will try to continue with this after completing the rest of the book and will look forward to finish it as soon as possible…

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