Monday, September 14, 2009

who was also the author of New York Times best selling book ‘HELTER SKELTER’, which is the biggest selling true crime book in publishing history. This book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder” is a book that brings forth the selfish, callous and outrageous attitude of Bush who took the entire nation to war in Iraq under false pretences in my words I’ll say ‘Bush blatantly lied and poor soldiers died’ of no reasons oh!! Sorry there were 3 reasons George Bush, Dick Cheney(vice president) and Karl Rove(their friend) so please never ever be under any wrong impression that this Iraq invasion that started from 20th March, 2003 by Bush was for the sake of national security as he claimed that Saddam Hussain had WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and he was a big threat to America or something like Hussein and Iraq were behind 9/11 carnage, its all bullshit after reading this book I was nearly traumatized when read that 4000 American soldiers and over 100,000 Iraqi men, women and children lost their precious, irreplaceable lives and the most saddening thing is that the soldiers who fought and died in the war when they were alive they thought they were dying for their country but it wasn’t that, in fact the war was fought without any justifiable reason.

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