Friday, October 23, 2009

Media then and now........

Changes have a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad-not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life-to keep us moving…to keep us growing….to keep us interested…imagine life without change. It would be static….boring….dull” isn’t that true and relevant to every field? Yes it definitely does and so, why media will remain unswayed by this. Talking about media initially and the media at present we’ll come across a track between them on which travels a train of changes which keep on moving incessantly. Sometimes this train goes on smoothly and some times with jerks. Turning the pages of our minds few years back, we’ll got to know at that time media’s main aim was to make people aware and updated by keeping public’s interest in their minds but now the scenario is entirely different what ever media does today is driven out by TRP (television rating point). Once upon a time doing work for media was a passion for the people but now it has transformed into merely a profession. At earlier times when the media was not glamorous, writers were recognized by their pen power or verbal power but now this field has turned so glamorous that even if you have less knowledge but have a beautiful and pleasing face then you are liked by the people and can survive in media. Print media was the only media in the beginning, but now the mushrooming electronic media had shared the space with it and sometimes goes ahead of it. Electronic media initially use to show only news but now they even show comedy shows, glimpse of daily soaps etc moreover we can say that- it is overflowed by entertainment stuff more then the news. Media in bygone days was never regarded as a business but now it is being operated as a good and successful business no matter what effect it cast on the news or the lives of the commoners….I agree that changes should always be there but it should be in positive direction because then only our aims will be fulfilled, else enjoy the change Changes have a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad-not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life-to keep us moving…to keep us growing….to keep us interested…imagine life without change. It would be static….boring….dull” isn’t that true and relevant to every field? Yes it definitely does and so, why media will remain unswayed by this. Talking about media initially and the media at present we’ll come across a track between them on which travels a train of changes which keep on moving incessantly. Sometimes this train goes on smoothly and some times with jerks. Turning the pages of our minds few years back, we’ll got to know at that time media’s main aim was to make people aware and updated by keeping public’s interest in their minds but now the scenario is entirely different what ever media does today is driven out by TRP (television rating point). Once upon a time doing work for media was a passion for the people but now it has transformed into merely a profession. At earlier times when the media was not glamorous, writers were recognized by their pen power or verbal power but now this field has turned so glamorous that even if you have less knowledge but have a beautiful and pleasing face then you are liked by the people and can survive in media. Print media was the only media in the beginning, but now the mushrooming electronic media had shared the space with it and sometimes goes ahead of it. Electronic media initially use to show only news but now they even show comedy shows, glimpse of daily soaps etc moreover we can say that- it is overflowed by entertainment stuff more then the news. Media in bygone days was never regarded as a business but now it is being operated as a good and successful business no matter what effect it cast on the news or the lives of the commoners….I agree that changes should always be there but it should be in positive direction because then only our aims will be fulfilled, else enjoy the change

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